Melissa B. Wallace, MD, PLLC


Melissa B. Wallace, MD, PLLC
Melissa B. Wallace, MD, PLLC
Phone: 817-381-8664
Fax: 817-259-0904
E-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Seeking mental health treatment can be difficult, but you are taking an important step in improving your mental and emotional well-being. It's important to find a mental health provider you feel comfortable with, who is willing to listen without judgment, and who can treat you holistically. As a board-certified psychiatrist, I offer both psychotherapy and medication management, allowing me to individualize treatment according to your needs.

While I am available for brief medication-focused appointments, I believe true healing can come from the unique relationship that therapy offers. I approach my patients with empathy, curiosity and compassion. In doing so, I aim to create a space in which patients feel safe to engage in self-exploration and honest reflection.

Your privacy is of the utmost importance to me. I offer secure texting and phone calls, as well as an online patient portal where you can message me, see upcoming appointments and download your own billing statements. If you'd like to see if we're a good fit, please don't hesitate to call and schedule an appointment.

   $450 for an initial evaluation or consultation (60 minutes)
   $300 for follow up visits (45 minutes)
   $200 for medication management follow up visits (20 minutes)
June 2019
UT Southwestern (UTSW), Dallas, TX
General Psychiatry Residency Program
May 2015
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX
The John F. Hickman Award for Outstanding Resident in Psychiatry
The Jeffry Andresen Award for Excellence in Case Formulation
Golden Humanism Honor Society
Phi Kappa Phi
Research Assistant
Children’s Health GENECIS Program
Mentor: Laura Kuper, Ph. D
Investigated longitudinal suicide risk in transgender adolescents receiving treatment for gender dysphoria at Children’s Health clinic by analyzing data from suicide risk assessments, interpersonal needs questionnaires, and acquired capability for self-harm surveys.
Psychiatry and Pop Culture Medical Student Course Co-director
Taught an elective course designed for senior medical students on the relationship between psychiatry and pop culture; selected works of fine art, film, literature and spoken word for class review; created learning materials to enhance students’ critical thinking skills; and facilitated weekly discussions on the works’ connections to the human mind.
UTSW Literature and Psychiatry Committee Member
Selected short story readings and created discussion guides for resident didactic sessions once per term; led small group discussions during didactics with emphasis on narrative history and textual analysis.
UTSW Literature and Psychiatry Committee Chair  
Anatomy Teaching Assistant
Taught anatomy classes of twenty students anatomical terms through use of cadavers, specimen, and models; trained other TAs as an assistant group leader for 2 semesters and as a group leader for the following 2 semesters; assisted in organizing a lab exam taken by 800 students.
Texas Society of Psychiatric Physicians (TSPP) UTSW Resident Representative
Represented UTSW residents at Executive Council of TSPP’s biannual meetings.
UTSW Resident Wellness Task Force Social Co-chair
Increased social opportunities for psychiatry residents by creating and moderating social media groups, organizing social events, and hosting psychiatrically-themed film viewings.
UTSW LGBT Inclusion Task Force Member
Contributed to increased LGBT Mental Health education in resident training, including the selection of literature on transgender youth mental health for residents’ journal club.
UTSW Race, Diversity and Inclusion Task Force Member
Discussed and implemented ideas for encouraging diversity in recruitment and resident education, assisted in developing cultural competency curriculum.
Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA) Baylor College of Medicine Chapter President
Managed monthly meetings, met regularly with Office of Diversity and Community Outreach, and assisted in teaching advanced medical Spanish classes.
LMSA MS1 representative to LMSA Southwest Conference
VA Substance Rehabilitation Clothing Drive
Organized a clothing drive for veterans on the 5 North Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Residential Treatment Program, with donations collected from residents, social workers, and medical students.
Bhutanese Wellness Education
Co-taught a class of Bhutanese refugee women on depression, grief and the healing process.
Doctor’s Day Outreach with Office of Diversity and Community Outreach
Visited local schools in underserved areas to discuss the pathway to medicine and emphasize the need for diversity in the medical professions.
Saturday Morning Science with Office of Diversity and Community Outreach
Directed workshops with underserved school-aged children regarding medical ethics, the physical exam, and the pathway to college and careers in medicine.
Citizen Schools
Taught health sciences classes to underserved middle school students, culminating in presentations by the students at Baylor College of Medicine.
Community Health Day
Performed glucose testing at a local health fair in conjunction with LMSA.
AIDS Awareness Presentation
Informed at-risk teens at a local high school of myths and frequently asked questions on HIV for World AIDS Day.
Matthew Carter Service Day
Visited “Casa de Esperanza”, a residential home for children in crisis, to read to and play with young children.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
MacDonald DW, Squires RS, Avery SA, Adams J, Baker M, Cunningham CR, Heimann NB, Kooyman DL, Seegmiller RS. Structural Variations in Articular Cartilage Matrix are Associated with Early-Onset Osteoarthritis in the Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia Congenita (Sedc) Mouse. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2013; 14(8): 16515–16531.
Book Reviews
Wallace M, Brenner A. [Review of the book How People Change: Relationships and Neuroplasticity in Psychotherapy] Journal of Psychiatric Practice. 2019. 25 (1): 71-72.
Wallace M, Lord J, Pershern L. An Innovative Course: Teaching Psychiatry Through Pop Culture. Presented at the Association of Directors of Medical Student Education in Psychiatry (ADMSEP) 2018 Annual Meeting.
Wallace M, Pershern L. Studying Psychiatry Through Pop Culture: Effects on Stigma. Presented at UT Southwestern Psychiatry Senior Research Forum, 2019.
American Group Psychotherapy Association
American Medical Association
Dallas Area Women Psychiatrists
Dallas County Medical Society
Group Analytic Society International
Texas Medical Association